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Why this Election Matters

We need school board members that will communicate with and listen to parents and teachers when making decisions about our kids and classrooms. We need transparency, integrity, and trust from our board members.

Time for Change

The news stories below provide a clear picture of why change is needed:

My opponent in this race attempted to ban 93 books in a single day, wasted $6,000 in taxpayer money demanding book reviews, and is a former leader for the extremist group Moms for Liberty. These extreme positions have garnered attention from the state's largest newspaper.


Davenport runs for school board after challenging 93 books | Palmetto Politics |

The school board voted to close down an elementary school without any notice or input from the parents, students, and teachers of the school. I am against this decision and the secretive manner in which it was conducted.

Berkeley Co. Schools discuss what’s next for J.K. Gourdin Elementary (


Berkeley Co. school board moves forward with J.K. Gourdin Elementary School merger (


The school board fired the previous superintendent and hired a new one without proper notice or input from the community. I am against this decision. The community should have a say in who runs our schools.

Moms for Liberty-backed school board members fire superintendent, ban critical race theory (


The school board allowed one parent to challenge 93 books. I am against book bans and believe individual parents should have the opportunity to decide what is right for their children. One parent should not be able to decide what is right for all kids.

Advocates, school board members question validity of parent’s 93 book challenges (


Voters explicitly approved the building of a K-8 School in Midtown. This was changed to a middle school without proper input from the community. I think the community should have been involved in the decision as this is not what they approved when they voted.

Berkeley Co. School board member questions legality of administration decision (

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